UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2009 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - London more...

Generating high volume cost effective referrals: – Smokefree Camden’s prospect recruitment campaigns
Matthew Gilbert, Support Officer- Level II Advisors and Sasha Cain, Head, Smokefree Camden, St Pancras Hospital, London, UK



Background: Recruitment to stop smoking services is low compared to the prevalence rates of smoking. Smokefree Camden conducted 35 days of proactive street recruitment, which was evaluated.

Methods: Smokefree Camden planned a campaign with the aim of referring smokers on the street interested in making a quit attempt, into the Stop Smoking service. We commissioned a private company to carry out the work and developed strategies around how to most effectively reach our target our prioritised wards (based on health inequalities).

We developed a tracking system in order to log and later analyse the data generated, and a protocol around how to contact the prospective referrals effectively. We attempted to contact the prospects, and to book them into Level II and Level III services
in the borough.

Findings: The poster will outline the initial results of the campaign in terms of the whole client journey from initial identification of the prospective service user through to telephone contact, booking, reminders, attendance and outcome. Cost effectiveness, and details of how ongoing results are tracked will be presented.


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