UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2008 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Birmingham more...

Marketing stop smoking services
Kerry McKenzie, Health Improvement Programme Manager (Tobacco) NHS Health Scotland, UK


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Kerry McKenzie

Health Scotland (HS) supports local stop smoking services to meet their targets for smoking cessation via.a comprehensive tobacco programme. Social marketing and advertising activity form key components of the programme and encompasses mass media advertising, online marketing, field marketing and public relations.

An evaluation of this activity, carried out via analysis of the caller profile data captured by responses by text, call and
interactive TV reveals:

  • The audiences HS is reaching via stop smoking campaigns;
  • The groups of potential quitters who are more difficult to reach;
  • The decisions potential quitters make in relation to engaging with stop smoking services;
  • The most effective channels to use to reach potential quitters;
  • How new channels such as text messaging and interactive TV are proving to be an increasingly effective way of encouraging smokers to take the first steps towards quitting.

By reviewing this evaluation, it is possible to formulate new approaches to marketing stop smoking services and develop existing resources, such as Scotland’s national stop smoking helpline, to better support the needs of Scotland’s potential quitters.


About the presenter
Kerry McKenzie is Health Improvement Programme Manager (Tobacco) with Health Scotland and was previously the Public Health Adviser (Substance Misuse) in the same organisation. Prior experience includes working in health improvement planning within a local authority and research management within the NHS. She has a Masters of Public Health and a MA in Social Sciences.


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