UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2008 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Birmingham more...

Responding to a demand: delivering a service shaped by adolescents
Joan Chapman, Team Leader Stop Smoking Service, Middlesbrough PCT, UK



A large proportion of adolescents who smoke regularly would like to stop but often are unsure of who to approach or what help and support is available. 

With this in mind Middlesbrough Stop Smoking Service carried out consultation with young people aged 12–18 years to capture their views and concerns and from this devise a plan of action to ensure appropriate service delivery to these young people.

The main concern adolescent smokers expressed was having to attend general smoking clinics alongside adults and therefore our first ‘Young Persons Stop Smoking Clinic’ was set up. The clinic was set up with support from Community Health Development Leads, Specialist Smoking Advisors and the Stop Smoking Service Lead. The clinic runs in a local Sure Start building, at an arranged time, which supports confidentiality and allows the young people attending to be relaxed and confident in their surroundings.

We involve partner agencies in our work and often link with Drug and Alcohol Services to support young people thereby utilizing a holistic approach. Local Secondary Schools also link closely with the Stop Smoking Service to support young people attending the clinic by booking appointment times and also on occasion accompanying them for support. As to date there is no evidence base in the area of adolescents stopping smoking but we hope that our clinic approach will provide evidence in this area in addition to complementing existing services and in the long term to increase quit rates among young people. Our local colleges also provide daily support to adolescent smokers from 16–18 years via a Wellbeing Officer within Student Services who is trained to Intermediate level.

Most recently, a plan to link with our Pharmacy Voucher Scheme is under consideration to enable adolescent smokers the opportunity to access support and Nicotine Replacement Therapy from the age of 12 years in the Pharmacy setting. This will become an exciting new addition and add flexibility of access to our already comprehensive support for young people. 


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