Delayed quitting, lapse recovery and
long-term outcomes for quitters taking
varenicline, bupropion and placebo
David Gonzales, Senior Researcher and Co-Director, Oregon Health
and Science University, USA
Awaiting journal publication before abstract posted on website
About the presenter
David Gonzales, PhD, is a Senior Researcher and Co-director of the OHSU Smoking Cessation Center, in Portland, Oregon USA. Since 1988 he has provided treatment to smokers and researched interventions for nicotine dependence, conducting clinical trials of pharmacotherapies such as nicotine replacement, bupropion, rimonabant, dopamine receptor antagonists, a nicotine vaccine and varenicline and has been focused on translating leading edge research findings into clinical practice. He provides consultation to national, state and local tobacco control programs, networks and clinics and conducts professional education programs for health care, mental health and pharmacy professionals in a variety of settings throughout the US.
This study was funded by Pfizer Inc
Conflict of Interest:
In the past 12 months Dr. Gonzales has received research contracts from Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis, Addex Pharmaceuticals and Nabi Biopharmaceuticals; consulting fees and honoraria from Pfizer and Evotec Neurosciences, and owns
5 shares of Pfizer stock. Douglas E. Jorenby has research support from Pfizer, Nabi Biopharmaceutical, and the National Institute
on Drug Abuse.