UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
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Poster presentation:
Equitable prescribing and the effective use of Patient Group Direction to improve service provision

Shirley Merrett

This presentation wiil provide details of how the Primary Care Trust (PCT) has developed equitable prescribing across the whole PCT and the use of a Patient Group Direction (PGD) with pharmacists to prescribe and dispense NRT to support the Stop Smoking Services.
Explanation of the procedure used, the problems encountered and how they were resolved will be explored . This will cover issues around funding,reimbursement costs, audit, fraun prevention, service agreement and data collection.
The benefits to clients, pharmacists and the PCT will be identified and discussed showing how the clients experience and journey through the stop smoking service has improved.


In 1992 while studying for a MSc in Health Promotion, as a qualified nurse I felt that the addiction to nicotine was not addressed when patients where admitted to hospital. As part of my research in 1995 I set up a programme with an acute hospital providing smoking cessation support to in-patients and follow-up after discharge. This proved to be a successful initiative and subsequently won the Tom Hurst Europeon Hospital award in 1997. I continued my nursing career with further training as a Health Visitor where I was active in smoking cessation. This lead to a secondment to the Department of Health Tobacco Policy Unit in 2000 where I was active in the roll out of smoking cessation services throughout the NHS and the disemmination of the national guidance.
I am now responsible for provision of Stop Smoking Services and Tobacco control for Poole PCT.


Shirley Merrett
Manager Stop Smoking Services/Tobacco Control
Poole PCT,
Parkstone Health Centre
Mansfeld Road, Parkstone