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Marketing smoking cessation programmes to the business world
Maxine Linnell and Nagina Parwez

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Many businesses and organisations are already making changes to their smoking policies in line with the new legislation for smoking in public places. BT and Marks & Spencers are making changes nationally, and have been keen to offer staff support in giving up smoking as smoking rooms are closed. Other companies will follow, and this is an excellent time to work with them in partnership.
Over the last two years Resolution NHS Stop Smoking Service in South Leicestershire has been taking a proactive approach to working with businesses, marketing a smoking cessation programme which is attractive, flexible and relevant. Companies include Argos, Asda, Centrica, Next, Alliance & Leicester, and Leicestershire County Council.
The programme gives access to hard-to-reach communities, and brings in smokers who have not previously considered giving up. This presentation will describe the programme and marketing strategies, and give an opportunity for resource and skill sharing.


Maxine Linnell is a Smoking Cessation Specialist working for Resolution Stop Smoking Service, focusing on workplaces since 2004. She is also a counsellor, psychotherapist and writer.

Nagina Parwez is a Smoking Cessation Specialist for Resoulution (County) NHS Stop Smoking Service


Author 1: Maxine Linnell
Smoking Cessation Specialist
Resolution Stop Smoking Service
The Woodlands, The Pastures
LE19 3DU

Author 2: Mark Braham