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Accessing hard to reach black and minority ethnic groups: lessons learnt from research with the Somali population
Lianne Straus

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Little is known about the rates of, or attitudes towards, smoking for hard to reach minority ethnic groups - particularly those populations that have low rates of literacy. This can have service access implications for some minority ethnic groups.

This presentation gives an overview of research that was carried out on behalf of Islington PCT, in collaboration with several Somali community organisations in Islington. The Somali population has low levels of literacy and a strong oral culture that can act as a barrier to engagement with health services. Further, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the health service needs of the Somali population in the UK. By collaborating with Somali organisations, using influences from anthropology and adopting a variety of research methods, this project managed to overcome these access barriers. However, some difficulties were encountered, particularly with obtaining statistical information, and these problems will be discussed.

Experiences from this research have provided valuable insight into potentially effective methods of dissemination of research and information to the Somali population and have informed recommendations for the PCT. The lessons learnt from these experiences, as well as being applied to research with other hard to reach ethnic minority groups, could also be helpful for smoking cessation service development for PCT's with hard to access ethnic minority groups.


Author 1: Lianne Straus
Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit, UCL
2-16 Torrington Place

Author 2: Andy McEwen
Author 3: Helen Croker